Obwohl die Redaktion mit zwölf Personen verhältnismäßig groß war, konnten wir trotzdem nicht über alles, was es beim diesjährigen NO LIMITS-Festival zu sehen gab, berichten. Deshalb hier entlang einer Bildstrecke noch ein paar Einblicke…
Author: Abdallah Sané
Spectacles of verticality
What do you get when you combine Elon Musk, space voyages, the question of gender & sexuality and aerial acrobatics? An unexpected but equally captivating spectacle! “A spectacle of herself”, a solo performance with Laura Murphy, directed by Ursula Martinez, is a captivating piece that doesn’t give you time to catch your breath.
Cripping Leadership through creative acts of disobedience
This year’s festival symposium titled „Cripping Leadership“, curated by Konrad Wolf, took place in Theater an der Parkaue from Saturday 16th until Sunday 17th of November. On both days, the speakers exchanged ideas, experiences, old and new approaches and tools related to disability and (cripping) working culture in the german theatre scene.